The Symbol Hub is a "one-stop-shop" for information on a specific symbol, where you can get quotes, charts, fundamental data, and news in addition to placing trades.
It combines many of the tools you can open individually in StreetSmart Edge into one tool so that when you identify a security that interests you, you can do all your research and place your trade from one tool if you wish.
Below is a look at each panel of the Symbol Hub from top to bottom. Many of the panels in the Symbol Hub have identical features to their stand-alone tools, such as charts or news. For those panels, there is a link for you to jump to that individual tool's section of the help.
Stock symbols and price and volume data shown here and in the software are for illustrative purposes only. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., its parent or affiliates, and/or its employees and/or directors may have positions in securities referenced herein, and may, as principal or agent, buy from or sell to clients.
TIP: To make the Title Bar a little smaller, right-click on it and select Compact Title Bar.
Place trades from the Symbol Hub exactly as you would from the Trade tool. Just like in the Trade tool, choose the appropriate tab for the action you wish to take.
TIP: You can hide the Trade Ticket fields by clicking the double arrow button next to the Conditional Orders tab. If you have the Trade tool open separately in your layout and prefer to place trades there, contracting these fields allows you to preserve some screen real estate.
Stock symbols and price and volume data shown here and in the software are for illustrative purposes only. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., its parent or affiliates, and/or its employees and/or directors may have positions in securities referenced herein, and may, as principal or agent, buy from or sell to clients.
Toggle between the Live Data and Research panels by clicking the or
The Live Data panel consists of 5 tabs with streaming quote and news data:
TIP: For both the Summary and Charts tab, click on the down arrow in the tab name to select the layout for the tab. For instance, you can choose to display two charts side-by-side or one on top of the other. (Click the X in the top right corner of a chart if you wish to close it and just display one.)
The Research panel displays Fundamental data for the symbol, such as company profile, earnings, ratings, and metrics.
Stock symbols and price and volume data shown here and in the software are for illustrative purposes only. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., its parent or affiliates, and/or its employees and/or directors may have positions in securities referenced herein, and may, as principal or agent, buy from or sell to clients.
When you load a new symbol, the previous symbol will display in the carousel. Scroll through the charts using the arrow buttons to the left and right of the carousel. The carousel displays up to 30 minicharts at a time.
There are three display options for the carousel, which can be accessed by right-clicking either in the Symbol Hub title bar or in the Minichart Carousel itself and selecting Minichart Carousel.
TIP: To remove a symbol from the carousel, hover your mouse pointer over the minichart and a red X will display. Click the X to remove that symbol.
Note that this will also remove the symbol from the symbol drop-down list in the Title Bar at the top of the Symbol Hub, as well as from any other symbol drop-downs in any linked tools. For more on linking tools, see Tool Link Icon.